TMW Web-API Schnittstelle

Version: 2.5.4


Allgemeine Funktionen

Headers Values
Authorization Basic
Content-Type application/json

Property Type Description
PointOfInterestGroup_ID Int Primary-Key of PointOfInterestGroup
PointOfInterestGroupName String Name of PointOfInterestGroup
PointOfInterestGroup - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get a list of all point of interest groups GET language_id int Primary-Key of Language. If ommited, it is returned in German List[PointOfInterestGroup]
Get a point of interest group by it's primary-key GET id Int Primary-Key of PointOfInterestGroup PointOfInterestGroup
language_id int Primary-Key of Language. If ommited, it is returned in German

Property Type Description
PointOfInterestType_ID Int Primary-Key of PointOfInterestType
PointOfInterestTypeName String Name of PointOfInterestType
PointOfInterestGroup_ID Int Primary-Key of PointOfInterestGroup
IconData Byte[] Binary-Data of the Icon
IconDataFileType String Filetype of Icon (ICO,PNG,SVG,JPG)
Language_ID Int Primary-Key of Language
PointOfInterestType - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get a point of interest type GET id Int PrimaryKey of PointOfInterestType PointOfInterestType
language_id Int Primary Key of Language
Get a list of point of interest types GET group_id Int PrimaryKey of PointOfInterestGroup. If ommited, the whole list will return. List[PointOfInterestType]
language_id Int Primary Key of Language
Get a point of interest type icon GET id Int PrimaryKey of PointOfInterestType Content-Type: image/x-icon, image/png, image/svg+xml, image/jpeg

Property Type Description
PointOfInterest_ID Int Primary-Key of PointOfInterest
PointOfInterestName String Name of PointOfInterest
PointOfInterestType_ID Int Primary-Key of PointOfInterestType
Language_ID Int Primary-Key of Language
(Definition at PuzzleHunt-Functions-Section)
Coordinates Coordinates Indoor-Coordinates of the point of interest
(Definition at Adlib-Functions-Section)
PointOfInterest - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get list of point of interests GET type_id Int PrimaryKey of PointOfInterestType List[PointOfInterest]
floor_id Int Primary Key of Floor
(see PuzzleHunt)

Property Type Description
FieldMappingKey String Key of FieldMapping
FieldName String Name of the Field
FieldLength Int (NULL) Max. length of the Field. If NULL it's unlimited.
IsMandatory Boolean Flag of mandatory field
IsHeader Boolean Flag for event registration header field (field is requested only once per booking)
SortOrder Int Sorting order for displaying the fields
FieldMapping - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get a list of field-mappings by a key GET key String key of the field-mapping List[FieldMapping]

Property Type Description
MapArea_ID Int Primary-Key of MapArea
MapAreaName String Name of the MapArea
Floor_ID Int Primary-Key of Floor
PolygonData String List of polygon corner points
Background String Background color or pattern
Foreground String Foreground color or pattern
Opacity Int Opacity in percent
Language_ID Int Primary-Key of Language
(Definition at PuzzleHunt-Functions-Section)
MapArea - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get a list of all map areas of a floor GET floor_id Int Primary-Key of the floor List[MapArea]
language_id Int Primary Key of Language
Get a map area GET id Int PrimaryKey of MapArea MapArea
language_id Int Primary Key of Language

Property Type Description
Mail_ID Int Primary-Key of Mail
Subject String Subject of the mail
Body String Body of the mail
From String Mail-Address of sender
To String Semicolon seperateted list of receivers
CC Semicolon seperateted list of carbon copy receivers
Bcc String Semicolon seperateted list of blind carbon copy receivers
Priority Int Priority of mail
(High = 2, Low = 1, Normal = 0)
ArchiveAttachment Boolean Flag for storing the attachment permanent or temporary
The attachment is stored temporarily. After successfully sending it will be deleted
IsBodyHtml Boolean Indicates, if the mail body is in HTML format
Mail - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Creating a mail.
If succesful, it returns the mail object with an mail_id that is greater than 0
POST mail Int Mail to create Mail (NULL)
request body:
{"MailId":0,"Subject":"Test-Mail","Body":"Test-Mail send by WebApi Version 2.5.4","From":"","To":"","CC":null,"Bcc":null,"ForeignKey":null,"ForeignCode":null,"Priority":null,"Status":null,"MailType":null,"ArchiveAttachment":false,"IsBodyHtml":false,"Attachments":null}
Add an attachment to the mail POST mail_id Int PrimaryKey of Mail Int
PrimaryKey of Attachment
attachment_name String Filename of the attachment
Attache the file to the request as a stream
Send a prepared mail.
If succesful, it returns the mail_id
PUT mail_id Int Mail to send Int (NULL)