TMW Web-API Schnittstelle

Version: 2.5.4


Adlib Funktionen

Headers Values
Authorization Basic
Content-Type application/json

Media - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get a one-time token for downloading a media without authentication GET --- --- --- String
Get a media without authentication passing an one-time token GET id Int Primary-Key of Media Content-Type: application/octet-stream
token String One-time token generated by the GetToken function
Get a media GET id Int Primary-Key of Media Content-Type: application/octet-stream

Property Type Description
X Double X-Coordinate
Y Double Y-Coordinate
Z Double Z-Coordinate
Collect - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get a list of collection object primary keys for all highlight-objects GET --- --- --- List[Int]
Get the indoor coordinates of a collect object GET priref Int Primary-Key of the collect object Coordinates
Get the indoor coordinates of a collect object by it's inventory number GET object_number String Inventory number of collect object Coordinates
Set the indoor coordinates of a collect object POST priref Int Primary-Key of the collect object HttpResponseMessage
x Double X-Coordinate of the collect object
y Double Y-Coordinate of the collect object
z Double Z-Coordinate of the collect object
Set the indoor coordinates of a collect object by it's inventory number POST object_number String Inventory number of collect object HttpResponseMessage
x Double X-Coordinate of the collect object
y Double Y-Coordinate of the collect object
z Double Z-Coordinate of the collect object
Set the location and the indoor coordinates of a collect object POST priref Int Primary-Key of the collect object HttpResponseMessage
locattion_priref Int Primary-Key of location
x Double X-Coordinate of the collect object
(can be omitted)
y Double Y-Coordinate of the collect object
(can be omitted)
z Double Z-Coordinate of the collect object
(can be omitted)
Set the location and the indoor coordinates of a collect object by it's inventory number POST object_number String Inventory number of collect object HttpResponseMessage
locattion_priref Int Primary-Key of location
x Double X-Coordinate of the collect object
(can be omitted)
y Double Y-Coordinate of the collect object
(can be omitted)
z Double Z-Coordinate of the collect object
(can be omitted)

Property Type Description
PriRef Int Primary-Key of the location
LocationName String Name of the location
ParentPriRef Int Primary-Key of the parent location
ParentLocationName String Name of the parent location
LocationType String Type of the location
X_Min Double Minimum X-Coordinate
Y_Min Double Minimum Y-Coordinate
Z_Min Double Minimum Z-Coordinate
X_Max Double Maximum X-Coordinate
Y_Max Double Maximum Y-Coordinate
Z_Max Double Maximum Z-Coordinate
X_Default Double Default X-Coordinate
Y_Default Double Default Y-Coordinate
Z_Default Double Default Z-Coordinate
Location - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get a location by it's primary-key GET priref Int Primary-Key of the location Location
Set the coordinates of a location POST priref Int Primary-Key of the location Location
x_min Double Minimum x-coordinate of the location
y_min Double Minimum y-coordinate of the location
z_min Double Minimum z-coordinate of the location
x_max Double Minimum x-coordinate of the location
y_max Double Minimum y-coordinate of the location
z_max Double Minimum z-coordinate of the location
Set the default coordinates of a location POST priref Int Primary-Key of the location Location
x_min Double Default x-coordinate of the location
y_min Double Default y-coordinate of the location
z_min Double Default z-coordinate of the location

Property Type Description
PriRef Int Primary-Key of the collect object
Value Double Subscription fee
TerminationDate DateTime Termination date of sponsorship
Sponsorship - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get the sponsorship data of a single object GET priref Int Primary-Key of the collect object Sponsorship
Add a sponsorship to a collect object by starting date and returns the computed termination date POST priref Int Primary-Key of the collect object DateTime
sponsor (NULL) String Name of the sponsor. If ommited, it's treated as reservation
starting_date Date Date when the sponsorship starts. Termination date will be computed automatically.
Update a sponsorship to a collect object. Only possible for sponsorship reservation with empty sponsor name. POST priref Int Primary-Key of the collect object HttpResponseMessage Dapomecha&termination_date=2028-07-28
sponsor String Name of the sponsor
termination_date Date Termination date of sponsorship
Delte a sponsorship reservation to a collect object. Can only be executed if the sponsor is empty DELETE priref Int Primary-Key of the collect object HttpResponseMessage
termination_date Date Termination date of sponsorship
Get the hole list of sponsorship objects order by sponsorship terminating date GET --- --- --- List[Sponsorship]
Get all highlight object prirefs of an exhibition GET priref Int Primary-Key of exhibition List[Int]
Get a list of scopes from sponsorship objects GET --- --- --- List[Scope]

Property Type Description
SponsorName String Name of the sponsor
StartingDate DateTime (NULL) Starting date of the sponsorship
TerminationDate DateTime (NULL) Termination date of sponsorship
Sponsor - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get a list of all sponsors from a collect object GET priref Int Primary-Key of collection object List[Sponsor]

Property Type Description
ScopeName String Name of the collection scope
Scope_ID Int Primary-Key of the collection scope
InternalName String Internal Name of the collection scope (sortable)
Count Int Number of found sponsorship objects in this scope

Property Type Description
PriRef Int32 Primary-Key of the tour
Title String Displayable Title of the tour
AlternativeTitle String Internal title of the tour (sortable)
Online Boolean Online-Flag of the tour
Description String Description text of the tour
Location_PriRef Int (NULL) Primary-Key of location
Location String Name of location
Objects List[ObjectItemInfo] List of the related objects
PartOf TourItemInfo Summary of the parent tour item
Parts List[TourItemInfo] Summary of the child tour items
Media List[MediaItem] List of the related media items
Property Type Description
PriRef Int32 Primary-Key of the tour
Title String Displayable Title of the tour
AlternativeTitle String Internal title of the tour (sortable)
Online Boolean Online-Flag of the tour
Property Type Description
PriRef Int32 Primary-Key of the object
Number String Inventory number of the object
Name String Name of the object
Title Boolean Title of the object
Property Type Description
PriRef Int32 Primary-Key of the media
Title String Title of the media
FilePath String Path to the media file
AudioFlag Boolean Flag for audio files
FrontpageFlag Boolean Flag for file to display st the frontpage
Tour - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get a tour item by it's primary key GET priref Int Primary-Key of tour TourItem
Get a language list GET --- --- --- List[TourLanguage]
Get a group list GET language_priref Int (NULL) Primary-Key of TourLanguage List[TourGroup]
Get a record-type list GET --- --- --- List[String]
Get a subjet list GET language_priref Int (NULL) Primary-Key of TourLanguage List[TourSubject]
Get all Tour properties in a list GET --- --- --- List[dynamic]
Find Tours and Sections by parameter GET online Boolean (NULL) online flag List[int]
has_sections Boolean (NULL) indicator of sections
record_type String (NULL) name of record-type
language_priref Int (NULL) Primary-Key of language
group_priref Int (NULL) Primary-Key of group