TMW Web-API Schnittstelle

Version: 2.5.2


Event Funktionen

Headers Values
Authorization Basic
Content-Type application/json

MiniXplore - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get a list of MiniXploreOccupancyInfo GET period String day, week, month or all MiniXploreOccupancyInfo
date String date, where the period begins
if ommited, the current day is taken
format: yyyy-mm-dd

Property Type Description
AdventureCamp_ID Int Primary-Key of AdventureCamp
EventRegistrationNumber String Primary-Key of Event-Registration-Row
BookingCode String Primary-Key of Event-Registration
RegistrationDate DateTime Date and time of registrating adventure camps aditional data
BirthDate DateTime (NULL) Birth date of the child
Gender String "M" for male, "F" for female and "X" for unknown
Medication String Information about important medication of the child.
Allergies String Information about allergies of the child.
Miscellaneous String Miscellaneous information about the child.
IsSibling Boolean Indication of sibling.
DailyMenu Int[7] Choosen menu of the day
AdventureCamp - Functions
Purpose Method Parameter Return-Value Example
Name Type Description
Get aditional data for an adventure camp registration GET booking_code String Booking-Code of event registration AdventureCamp
event_registration_number String Number of the event registration
Set aditional data for an adventure camp registration POST booking_code String Booking-Code of event registration AdventureCamp
request body:
{ "AdventureCamp_ID": 0, "EventRegistrationNumber": "EV200016915", "BookingCode": "1B95EED0-9592-456E-A681-06A89CC932AD", "RegistrationDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "BirthDate": "2012-02-14T00:00:00", "Gender": "F", "Medication": "keine", "Allergies": "Erdnüsse", "Miscellaneous": "Hat gerne Schokolade", "Menu": "1|2|2|1|2|0|0", "IsSibling": true, "DailyMenu": [ 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0 ] }

AdventureCamp as Request-Content: { "BirthDate": "2010-02-14T00:00:00.000Z", "Gender": "F", "Medication": "keine", "Allergies": "Erdnüsse", "Miscellaneous": "Hat gerne Schokolade", "DailyMenu": [ 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0 ], "IsSibling": "true" }
event_registration_number String Number of the event registration
adventure_camp AdventureCamp AdventureCamp-Data to set